Recruitment - Candidates

Candidate module to overview the recruitment and interview process with a detailed view of each possible applicant.

MyLenio helps you Organize your Company

Candidates Board

  • MyLenio provides a solid Recruitment Module.
  • Kanban-like board to have an up-to-date status of each candidate's process.
  • Customizable columns to fully represent your process.
  • Filters to allow recruiters to find candidates easily.
  • Easy archiving of rejected applicants.
MyLenio helps you Organize your Company
Candidates Board

Configure your Steps and Track all Candidates

Candidate View

  • Candidate profile view
  • Easily share the profile with other company members. 
  • Add and share comments with all the interview process participants.
  • Keep all of your Candidate's history in the same place.
MyLenio helps you Organize your Company
Candidate View

Shareable Card for each Candidate

Open Positions & Send Offers

MyLenio helps you Organize your Company
Open Positions & Send Offers

List all of your Open Positions

Other features you might be interested on

  • Recruitment - Open Positions: Manage all the open positions of your company from a centralized view.
  • Recruitment - Send Offers: MyLenio has the ability to send job offers to candidates that have passed the recruitment process successfully and keep track of them.
  • 12 tools on how to Organize your Small Business : Learn some of the tricks we found on most of our Customers on how to properly organize your Company and how MyLenio can help you
  • Human Resources: MyLenio provides a robust set of tools to allow your HR team to perform their daily activities in an organized way. It also provides engagement tools for your employees, recruitment modules. HR People Love.
  • Teams: MyLenio lets you organize your employees in Teams. From each team, you'll be able to assign training, documents, and tasks for them to complete. Specify all SaaS resources that each team needs to perform their work and provide automatic permissions to all these teams. Model your teams, and let MyLenio take care of the heavy lifting for you.
  • Benefits & Perks: List the benefits and perks that your company offers and make them visible to all your employee staff.

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Organize your Company with MyLenio