Webinar - New Features Overview


Martin Capeletto · 2 min read

Webinar on 3/25/2020 explaining all the new cool features for our new release. Check all the new things MyLenio provides now and how to use them!

1. Approval flows integrated into Sidebar

2. Now the approval steps are done directly from the sidebar without going to the approval flows screen anymore

3. Mass Import users

  • Import users from gSuite or Office 365
  • Import users from CSV

4. Allow adding salaries to employees

  • Allow adding salaries for employees per branch
  • See history with comments and graph of evolution
  • To activate go to Features -> Financial Profile Salary -> Enable

5. Open position, application form for the outside

  • Each position can now be shared with a unique URL so anyone can submit a CV to you directly

6. Send single task

  • You can now send single tasks to each person without going through the team, similar to individual document

7. Send single training

  • You can now send single training to each person without going through the team, similar to individual document

8. Allow modifying user personal data from the admin

  • Added emergency fields to the admin user profile so any admin can modify them

9. Allow external links in Training

  • This allows you to instead of using Slides or files use an external link for each presentation

10. Allow to configure report type and 2FA in Risks for Vendors

11. Show all birthdays in a calendar on the homepage

12. Allow comment in approval steps

13. Search now works with first and lastname everywhere

A lot of smaller issues, bug fixes, etc

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