Why you need a onboarding software in your comapny

Onboarding best practices

Ines Guerra · 6 min read

Discover the benefits of using onboarding software

Did you know that 22% of employees leave their new job in the first 45 days? We can avoid this if companies implement an excellent onboarding plan. The first contact between the future employee and the company is fundamental to establishing a good working relationship. For this reason, many of them are leaving behind the traditional systems to adapt to a new employee and are opting for onboarding software.

The onboarding process aims to achieve the complete integration of the employee into the company and their new job. But onboarding is not simply giving them a manual describing their functions; it is something more than that. It is also intended to make the employee feel comfortable and satisfied in the company. This is the only way to prevent them from leaving during the first few weeks.

Onboarding is in charge of planning the reception of a new company member, both in their job position and in their specific tasks.

We are talking about the integration into their work team and the process of adaptation to the company's organizational culture. This is the onboarding. And this phase of the new employee's reception is a crucial phase that human resources must carry out.

What are the onboarding best practices?

The human resources department's onboarding process is a task, but when the work is done remotely, the involvement and resources offered must be more significant.

One of the challenges and new demands in the labor field is the remote onboarding of tech jobs. In the last few years, the tech industry has grown a lot. If you work in tech, you know that most jobs are remote, so companies seek onboarding software that facilitates but offers a robust onboarding process.

Onboarding best practices include showing the new employee:

What their work environment will be.

Where they will perform their duties.

Their job responsibilities.

The work tools to be used.

The habits of the company.

The cybersecurity limitations and caveats.

Benefits of having an onboarding software

A good onboarding process has benefits for both the company and the workers because:

  1. It reduces recruitment costs: By preventing workers from leaving their new job, the HR team can do more tasks without wasting time giving logins and doing repetitive tasks.
  2. Increases talent retention: The chances of highly qualified workers leaving the company to perform their job are reduced.
  3. Increased productivity: both for the HR team and for the employees who will be able to start working as soon as they are hired. Because workers are happier, they are more productive.
  4. Faster adaptation: An onboarding software will help employees integrate into the company and adapt more quickly.
  5. Creation of company culture: By encouraging employee participation in company activities and discussion groups, they feel more involved in the company and its values.
  6. Better coordination with co-workers: As onboarding aims to help new employees relate to their co-workers, this will facilitate teamwork.
  7. Improved company image: Integrating newcomers with onboarding software says a lot about a company because it cares about its employees from day one.

Onboarding best practices TO DO

Before choosing the ideal candidate to fill the job vacancy, you must design a detailed onboarding plan. You must decide the actions you will put into practice from the first contact with the employee so that they have a pleasant, professional experience and a good bond is established between the company and the employee.

The steps you should follow to make a good onboarding plan on your onboarding software are:

Preliminary analysis

In this initial phase, you must be clear about the company's values, mission, culture, and business strategy so that you can transmit them to the new workers.

In remote onboarding tech jobs, it is more important to be very cautious with the onboarding process since they usually work with many software and programs with sensitive information for the company and clients. Collect information about the functions performed in each job, the limitations, and the internal and external referents with which the new worker will have a direct relationship.


This period comprises the time the selected candidate receives the offer until they are finally hired. The HR team will have to take care of:

Collection and signing of documents :

The employee needs to deliver the necessary documentation to communicate his registration with the social security; a copy of his ID card or work permit if he is not an EU citizen. To continue with the onboarding best practices, it will be necessary to collect all the data, but it will also be required to make sure that the employee signs all the documents necessary to start.

Communication with the future employee:

For an employee onboarding plan to be effective, it is essential to maintain constant communication with future employees because sometimes they may receive counter-offers and back out. Take advantage of these days to welcome them and explain their functions and the type of contract they will have.

First day of work


The first thing to do is organize a welcome session so that the worker feels comfortable and well-received in the company. You can do it in many ways; with a welcome meeting where you explain the first steps they will have to take in the company, doing group activities, introducing themselves to the rest of their colleagues, etc. You can also give them a gift such as a bouquet, corporate material, etc.

Sign an employment contract:

For remote onboarding tech jobs, the most convenient will be to use your onboarding software to make the online signing of the employment contract and that both parties receive their copy of the agreement. With onboarding software and a tool like DocuSign, this process that may seem long and tedious will become simple and safe.

Means of work:

Although it is not about legal aspects, it is also essential that you provide him with the means with which he is going to do his work: laptop, mobile, etc. You must also provide him with the access and passwords to the systems he will use.

Data protection:

You must provide the new employee with training on data protection. This is extremely important because if they have access to third-party databases, such as customer data, and there is a leak of information, the company will be sanctioned. So the worker must sign a paper stating that we have given him this training and thus the company can exempt itself from blame.

Law of business secrecy:

This refers to the employee's responsibility when disclosing certain valuable information about a company. It may be the case that an employee reveals how a specific product is created in a company or how it has to attract many customers. To avoid this unpleasant surprise, the company has to identify, detail, and protect its most important data. This will protect the company, its customers, and its employees.

From the first week onwards.

Once the first day is over, you have to follow up with the worker to help them with those things that are proving more complicated for them and know if they are happy.

Assign a mentor:

You can assign the new worker another professional with more experience to give him the necessary training until he can perform his tasks well on his own.

Regular meetings:

Appoint the worker every fifteen to twenty days to ask how he is adjusting and if he needs help with anything

Completion of the onboarding plan.

The employee onboarding plan ends when the employee has already adapted perfectly to their job and the company's work philosophy. It would help if you asked them about their experience during the adaptation process to draw positive and negative conclusions that will help you improve future onboarding plans.

In short, employee onboarding has many benefits for both the company and the employee since it makes the relationship between the two better and more lasting. For a talented employee to be a good hire for the company, it is not enough to welcome them and end the process there; ensuring that they adapt progressively and establish a good foundation for working in their position is essential for the company's productivity.

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Thanks for reading us, and we hope to see you soon!

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