Why life time deal SaaS platforms are the best place for Startup

which ones are the best.

Paloma Velasco · 5 min read

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Today we will talk about lifetime deal SaaS platforms and their benefits for software development companies.

First of all, we will talk about these companies, which in recent years have multiplied and have become one of the most prosperous and stable sectors of the moment.

What are software development companies?

Software development companies base their main activity on creating new software and web applications. Companies in this particular field are hired by businesses to produce better-designed websites and develop mobile applications and code software that serves the company's interests. Many independent web development companies also provide security infrastructure and encryption services.

So, what are startups, then?

Startups are newly created companies that commercialize products and services through the intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), with a scalable business model that allows rapid and sustained growth over time.

This solid technological component allows them to scale their business in an agile and fast way, with a lower capital requirement than traditional companies.

Today, launching a startup is a popular thing to do. Startups are being created all the time while software development is constantly evolving. Of course, creating a company from scratch is a pretty uncomfortable and challenging task. However, at the same time, it is entirely possible, and many examples in recent history can prove it.

Both startups and software development companies indeed struggle to succeed. So what does it take to create a successful project?

What characteristics do successful startups and companies have?

Passion for your project

Simple and effective. This is where the whole process starts. The dream of developing a product and being passionate about it is the first step toward creating a successful and ambitious project that satisfies customer needs and generates considerable profits.

Offering an innovative solution

Nowadays, there is so much on offer, and so many startups are being created that lack of innovation is often why startups fail. Innovation differentiates your product from others, develops solutions for specific problems, attracts investors, and gives your company the potential to grow. Having an innovative idea is just the beginning. Innovations have to follow regularly. Even big companies have to constantly make changes and updates as many competitors appear on the market every day and offer their differentiated products.

Focus on the target market

It is a common mistake to want to cover as much as possible. But the key is to have a product whose functionality is narrower than one that strives to solve all the problems and does nothing well. Your product must have a competitive advantage over others. Finding your niche market and target audience also pertains to this topic. Wanting to cover more and looking for new territories can bring difficulties and confusion. Growing within the environment you chose in the first place, having researched it before, and being familiar with it will give you more guarantees and make you better and more competitive in that market.

Providing a good user experience

Startups don't have any customer loyalty, which means you have to impress. Providing an impressive user experience can be something that will help achieve the desired success. If you develop a software application, you need to provide your users with a smooth learning curve and intuitive navigation with your audience. Offer what your users are looking for, and be transparent—not forgetting the role of customer service and user experience.

Be flexible

Your idea and vision of what your project will look like and what it will look like in the future may not be valid all the time. While there are startups that start from scratch and break away from their main idea to implement only minor adjustments, others face significant changes in size and the content of their product. That is why flexibility should become your characteristic.

Building a solid team and valuing it

You don't just need a group of professionals who know their stuff and have the right level of knowledge. It would help if you had people who are passionate about your idea and project, who share the vision and values of the company, and who strive for the success of your startup and are ready to work on it. In addition, employees must feel valued, interested, and motivated to continue working on the project.

Provide the necessary tools that simplify and make the work effective.

Your startup or development company needs tools that help the business activity to develop 100%. It is common for technology companies to have various SaaS, apps, etc. These will aim to facilitate work and processes and increase productivity and efficiency daily.

What are the drawbacks for companies?

The race to scale and for your company to grow, to have the latest tools and those that best suit your startup's needs can be exhausting and very costly financially.

These tools usually have high prices per user, so as your company grows and wants to invest in R&D and improvements, the investment increases.

As a result of this problem, lifetime deal SaaS platforms arise.

What are lifetime deal SaaS platforms?

A lifetime deal (LTD) is an agreement or license offered to users to use the product or service for the product's " lifetime." As long as the product remains available, it will be accessible to you because you have purchased a lifetime license.

What are the advantages of investing in a lifetime offer?

Price advantage

The best advantage for startups and CEO companies is that you do not have to pay monthly or yearly recurring fees for using the software as an end-user.

You will lock in a price you can benefit from for as long as your company uses the tool.

Product Steering

Being early adopters of the product, investors in lifetime agreements often influence the direction of the product by discussing ideas and requirements with the founders. This often results in excellent product growth, which means you get more value for your initial lifetime investment.

What should you know before getting a lifetime deal SaaS?

There are usually some limitations.

Most Lifetime Deals come with limitations on using certain features or allowed users. Each Lifetime deal is structured differently according to its own set of features. These limitations often justify striking a balance between a one-time payment model and a reasonable usage expectation.

Risk capacity

As the idea of the LTD model becomes more widespread, the risks associated with purchasing software products and services from vendors you know nothing about have been reduced. Even so, there are no guarantees about the product's useful life.

Some of the best and most successful lifetime deal saas platforms of the moment are;


PitchGround is primarily suitable for business ventures in digital marketing, SaaS, or even solopreneurs.


Appsumo is one of the essential software marketplaces with a vendor base of over thousands that offers a myriad of tools and software to grow your digital business.

SaaS Mantra

SaaSMantra is an incredible community-driven platform for the best entrepreneurs wherein you can get the best software deals and free courses on SaaS and other types of content.


Of course, following all the above features does not guarantee immediate and constant success for your startup, but they can help and guide you in the early stages of consolidation. When you are about to launch a startup, your product and your customers must come first. You must find your market niche, focus on it, decide on your target audience, and offer your customers a solution that meets their needs in addition to hiring and valuing the team, which must be a group of professionals and people who share the vision of your project. The software industry is evolving, so be open to learning new things regularly and following the trends.

As mentioned several times before, running a startup is a tricky business. However, if you follow the above characteristics, it will have every chance to be rewarding and bring you success.

In the next post, we will analyze the best Lifetime Deal platforms and develop the best one for your business.

See you soon!

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